When is the gastric sleeve recommended? : Dr. Omar Fonseca

When is the gastric sleeve recommended?

When is the gastric sleeve recommended?

When is the gastric sleeve recommended? : Dr. Omar Fonseca

The gastric sleeve is a surgery to treat obesity, in which the main objective is to reduce the volume of the stomach and therefore its capacity. This procedure is performed by laparoscopy, that is, it is a minimally invasive surgery or by small incisions made in the skin of the abdomen less than 1 cm.

With this procedure, a large part of the hormone responsible for making us hungry called ghrelin is also removed, since a significant number of the cells where this hormone is secreted reside in the part of the stomach that is removed, causing the concentrations of the stomach to decrease.

This technique is indicated both for patients with extreme obesity, that is, who have a body mass index (BMI) greater than 40; but patients who show lesser degrees of obesity, who also have conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea or metabolic syndrome, can also be candidates.

The gastric sleeve is an ideal option for patients with obesity, who have a BMI greater than 40, and who have not been able to lose the necessary weight through other methods such as diet and exercise.

We must remember that, in order to achieve the desired objectives, in addition to choosing a surgery according to the needs and characteristics of the patient, a comprehensive change must be made and a healthy lifestyle adopted.

Gastric Sleeve Benefits:

  • The portion of the stomach that produces the appetite hormone is removed.
  • The stomach is reduced in volume but functions normally.
  • There is no intestinal bypass and the risks of nutritional deficiency decrease.
  • It is the safest technique to combat obesity with a BMI greater than 40.
  • Surgery significantly improves most metabolic diseases, insulin resistance, sleep apnea, dyslipidemia, and fatty liver, among others.

If you plan to have a gastric sleeve, we recommend seeing your bariatric surgeon to determine which option is right for you. Book an appointment virtually or at our office in Mexicali.

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