Is weight loss surgery a fashion trend? : Dr. Omar Fonseca

Is weight loss surgery a fashion trend?

Is weight loss surgery a fashion trend?

When they tell me that weight loss surgery is a fashion trend, I tell them that we are all in trend, and trends are defined as a group of customs or uses that occur at a certain time.

In matters of clothing, fashion is wearing certain clothes at a defined time, at that time the clothes that are most used are fashion, you and I are fashion! Since we live and have our boom in a certain time and we meet the definition of what is fashion.

Diseases also have their trends, people do not die today from the same diseases that they died 50 years ago and the diseases that afflicted people in those days were a trend because they were common in a defined period of time, perhaps 50 years ago. Years ago diseases such as gastric and duodenal ulcers were one of the main diseases and causes of death.

In short, a trend and the treatment of this type of disease such as gastric surgery was a trend, but this trend disappeared when drugs such as omeprazole were invented.

If we talk about obesity and weight loss surgery, obesity is a fashionable disease, since it is very common and prevails over many diseases and surgery for this disease is both routinely done and indeed is a trend.

When a little pill is invented that can cure obesity, as in the case of omeprazole for stomach ulcers, maybe surgery for obesity will stop being a fad, but as long as that doesn't happen, we don't have a better treatment for obesity than surgery.

Since it shows the best rates of resolution of diseases, it has also been shown that it impacts the survival of patients, it means that by operating on a patient and improving their diseases associated with obesity, they leave the risk of dying from the consequences of said diseases, which It does not happen with other treatments, it also produces the most accentuated and sustained weight loss.

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